The Key To Total Termite Control For Your Memphis Property

July 15, 2022

Pest control in MemphisWinged individuals of termite can be difficult, especially with the presence of local termite species. Drywood termites can eat through critical household structures, while subterranean termites thrive in damp, moist areas. Left to their own devices, these insects can inflict a significant amount of damage on your home and property.

Thankfully, Memphis pest control for termites doesn’t have to be difficult. Armed with the right tips, tricks, and strategies, you can easily protect yourself and others from the threat of infestation.

Let’s explore some underpinning reasons behind termite infestations in Memphis, including why they go unnoticed, the extent of their damages, and easy ways to make your property less attractive to colonies.

Why A Termite Infestation Can Go Unnoticed For A Long Time

Unlike many other pest species in Memphis, termites do not make noise, rarely appear outside their feeding areas, and are less than 3/8 of an inch in size. This enables them to invade your home without being detected, or at least helps them keep a low profile as they infest your property.

It’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the early warning signs of termites, including the presence of mud tunnels, discarded wings, and swarming alates. If any of these symptoms are found on your property, you may have a sizable termite infestation living on your property.

The Extent Of Damage Termites Can Cause To Your Property

Termites are credited with $5 billion in damages every single year in the United States. By chewing through wooden structures and critical support beams, these insects can make short work of your home and its structural supports.

Subterranean termite damage on your Memphis property can take many forms, including:

  • Hollow-sounding walls and baseboards
  • Tight-fitting doors and windows
  • Damaged hardwood floors
  • Buckling walls or ceilings
  • Patches of what looks like water damage on the roof

It may be difficult to identify termite damage without the help of trained professionals. If you haven’t already, partner with the team at Chief Termite & Pest Control to quickly identify and treat termite infestations in Memphis.

Four Simple Tips To Make Your Property Less Attractive To Termites

Most Memphis properties carry a slight risk for termite infestations. However, this doesn’t mean their presence is completely unavoidable around your home or business.

Check out these four simple tips to make your property less attractive to termites and their colonies.

  1. Fix any moisture issues around your property, including leaks in your plumbing and condensation in basements and crawlspaces. Removing chronic puddles of standing water will discourage termites from scouting too close to your home.
  2. Eliminate potential termite food sources around your property. This includes woodpiles, fencing, and other organic materials. If possible, install a border of gravel around the home to dissuade hungry termites from coming too close.
  3. Avoid storing firewood or organic materials directly against your home’s exterior walls. Be sure to remove dense vegetation and prune overgrown shrubs to remove potential habitat zones.
  4. Schedule a termite inspection at least once per year. Regular check-ups allow experts to evaluate your home for underlying signs of infestation.

If you’re looking for a professional termite inspection of your property, Chief Termite & Pest Control has everything you need to get started. Call today to speak with a trained technician.

Contact The Pros For Total Termite Control For Your Property

Chief Termite & Pest Control is the best termite control company for your Memphis home. Our team offers more than 60 years of experience in the pest control industry and serviced hundreds of homes throughout the Memphis area.

Call today to learn more about our termite control services in Memphis or to schedule an inspection.