Collierville, TN Pest Control

Quality Pest Control In Collierville, TN

Collierville began as a small dairy town in the early 20th century. Since then, it has grown to over 50,000 people and has become one of the most sought-after suburbs of Memphis. 

While Collierville is consistently ranked one of the best places to live in the Memphis metropolitan area, residents and businesses still have to deal with the pest issues that plague all of West Tennessee. Fortunately, Chief Termite & Pest Control is here to help. We have provided high-quality, affordable pest control in Shelby County for over 60 years. We make it our mission to ensure you can enjoy life in Collierville pest-free.

Residential Pest Control In Collierville

Exterior view of building

No one wants to come home to find that roaches have taken over their kitchen or rats have taken up residence in their garage. Pests around your Collierville home can make it impossible to relax and enjoy time with family and friends. They can also be dangerous, exposing everyone in your home to diseases and the possibility of painful bites and stings.

We understand all the issues that pests can cause in your home. That is why we offer residential pest control customized to meet your needs.

Our residential pest services use only EPA-approved treatments to create a barrier of protection around the exterior of your home, keeping pests away. Our technicians will also take the time to educate you about the pest pressures you are facing and the changes you can make to keep pests away.

You can relax and enjoy your time at home, knowing that we offer monthly or quarterly recurring treatments to keep your home pest-free all year.

Commercial Pest Control In Collierville

In business, reputation is everything. Aside from bad service or poor quality products, nothing can ruin your company’s reputation in the community faster than a pest infestation. 

Pests are also not something you want to take the time out of your day to worry about; that is where we can help. We can develop a custom commercial pest control plan to meet the exact needs of your business. After a thorough inspection of your property, we will communicate our findings and suggest a treatment plan. Then we will get to work eliminating any active infestations. We will return monthly, bimonthly, or quarterly to ensure that your business can operate pest-free.

We’ll worry about pests, so you can worry about all the other important aspects of running your business and being successful. 

Protect Your Collierville Home From Termites Before It's Too Late

Termites have earned the nickname “the silent destroyers” for their ability to do massive amounts of damage to your home before you know they are there. These tiny but destructive pests are estimated to cause over 5 billion dollars in damage annually. The average cost of termite damage repair is well into the thousands of dollars per home. 

As expensive and destructive as they can be, you want to keep these pests away from your home. At Chief Termite & Pest Control, we offer termite control services to keep your home protected. 

Our termite control process always starts with a thorough inspection and estimate based on your home and its needs. Then we use a combination of liquid and spray foam treatments to quickly and effectively eliminate any active termite infestation around your home and build a barrier of protection to keep termites away in the future.  

Whether you are dealing with an active infestation or want to make sure your home is protected, call us today. We will develop a custom termite control plan to protect your home and wallet from these silent destroyers.

Eight Easy And Effective Ant Prevention Tips For Collierville Property Owners

Anyone who has spent time in the south knows that ants are part of everyday life. They are everywhere, in our backyards, kitchens, at the park, crawling on our trash cans, and hundreds of other places they shouldn’t be. 

While most species of ants in Collierville are just a nuisance, you still don’t want them around. Here are eight ant prevention tips to keep your Collierville home protected:

  1. Seal cracks and crevices on the exterior of your home.
  2. Store food in airtight containers.
  3. Don’t leave pet food out, clean pet food and water dishes regularly, and store pet food in sealed containers.
  4. Wipe up spills and clean crumbs immediately.
  5. Keep your yard cut short.
  6. Cut trees and shrubs back from the exterior of your home.
  7. Replace loose or broken mortar and weather stripping.
  8. Keep garbage stored in bins with a lid and wash the bins frequently.

The best option for ant prevention is to work with us to develop an ant control plan for your home. We will ensure these annoying and potentially dangerous pests stay out of your home and yard so that you can enjoy life without worry.

Why Cockroaches In Collierville Need Professional Attention

A cockroach infestation is an issue that always needs expert attention. It’s true that you can take measures to prevent cockroaches before they invade your home, but once you have them, you virtually always have to contact pest professionals to truly get rid of them.

This is true for a couple of reasons. First off, cockroaches are notoriously tough. These insects can survive crushing forces of up to 900 times their own weight, nuclear radiation that far exceeds what is tolerable for humans, and even a week without their own heads. This means store-bought products pale in comparison to their legendary resilience.

Cockroach breeding speed is also a major factor. You can, in fact, eliminate a few cockroaches with store-bought baits and sticky traps. However, the number of cockroaches you eliminate will never equal the number of offspring they produce to replace them. This means amateur efforts to eradicate cockroach infestations almost always fail in light of their breeding speed. 

All these reasons are why, if you start seeing signs of cockroaches in your home, you should contact Chief Termite & Pest Control for professional cockroach removal immediately. 

How Rodents Get Inside Collierville Homes

Rodent control in Collierville begins with keeping them out of your home with rodent exclusion. Rodents are incredibly good at invading your home, partly because they are clever enough to figure out how to take advantage of damage and construction gaps, and partly because their highly durable teeth are able to cut through lots of different materials.

This is why keeping rodents out of your home takes special training and material. Not only will you need to repair damage, such as cracks and holes in your exterior, but you will also need to seal all construction gaps with mesh made of rodent-proof wire. You’ll need to cover all gaps, including ventilation holes, crawlspace, entryways, and condensation outlets.

Taking care of all this can quickly become overwhelming, which is why the rodent experts at Chief Termite & Pest Control are here to help. If you have an existing rodent problem, don’t try to seal up their entryways. This could mean you end up sealing rodents inside your home. Contact us instead, and our experts can help you eliminate your rodent problem for good. 

Collierville's Solution To Spiders

Keeping spiders away in Collierville is not always simple. In fact, under certain circumstances, spiders are one of the hardest pests to keep out of your house. The main attractant that draws spiders into your home is other infestations. If you have cockroaches, flies, ants, or another favorite spider prey item, it can be virtually impossible to keep these predatory arachnids away.

What’s even worse is that there’s no way to prevent dangerous spiders from entering your home without keeping all spiders away. There’s no way to know whether your cockroach or fly infestation is going to be attracting harmless house spiders or dangerous brown recluses and black widows.

This is why you should contact us for professional spider removal services right away if you notice an uptick in spider activity inside your home. You might be seeing harmless spiders but not seeing the more dangerous ones that have entered your property as well. Not only can the spider experts here at Chief Termite & Pest Control help you figure out what sorts of species you have in your home, but we can also help you discover what is drawing them in and eliminate all the pests from your property, including spiders and their prey. 

Common Types Of Stinging Insects Found Around Collierville

Here in Tennessee, we’ve got plenty of stinging insects to go around. Some of the most common stingers you might find buzzing around your home include:

  • Honey bees

  • Bumble bees 

  • Paper wasps 

  • Yellow jackets 

  • Bald-faced hornets

  • Mud daubers 

While some of these species are quite docile and will only sting if severely provoked, others will sting at the drop of a hat.

Social wasps like hornets and yellow jackets are particularly aggressive. They can sting as many times as they want, they will sting as many times as it takes to eliminate a perceived threat, and they may also chase anything they perceive as a threat while continuing to sting.

This is why wasp and bee control is so important. It’s also why it is a particularly dangerous facet of pest control. You need specialized equipment to safely eliminate wasps and bees from your property. If you don’t have this equipment, you could get yourself stung dozens and even hundreds of times.

That’s why, in order to protect yourself from a potentially dangerous insect attack, you should call the experts here at Chief Termite & Pest Control right away. We can get these aggressive stinging insects off your property without endangering your family or your pets. So don’t hesitate. Click or call today!